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3 Month 'Holistic Health' Programme

My Holistic Health programme will help you to feel calmer, stronger and to achieve a greater resiliency to stress.

It’s designed to help you to understand how stress affects your body and how you can use evidence-based herbal medicine and naturopathic techniques to rebuild your health, and increase resilience to future stressors, in 3 months, so that you can advance your career (and life) unhindered.

This programme includes a HTMA functional testing (hair trace mineral analysis test) to understand what the impact that chronic stress and anxiety has created at a granular level, to see what is really going on in your body so we can be efficient and precise in our personalised protocol. 

Understanding where you may have nutritional deficiencies, toxic overload, or mineral imbalances allows us to create real transformational change in your health in the long-term.  

As stress affects everyone differently. 

Not only do we address stress and anxiety, but we also go deeper and address sleep issues and delve into digestive and hormonal health as part of the programme. We look at the holistic You.

As part of this programme, you will receive a Naturopathic Protocol to follow, which will be amended and updated after your HTMA results are known, and again at various points in the 3 month programme to adjust the focus as and when the emphasis on certain symptoms changes (e.g. sleep improves, so we do deeper work on digestive health).

This programme includes all the personalised herbal medicine you need during the 3 months, a supplement review and advice, lifestyle and nutrition advice and info on how to rebalance your mineral levels as shown in the HTMA results. 

What is Included


1. Initial health consultation (1 hour)

Online call with me to discuss your symptoms, previous medical history, current supplements/medication, any test results you may have already.

This call will inform the core part of your wellness plan/herbal prescription. 






2. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Testing

A test kit is sent to your home, where you take a hair sample and return to me. 

See 'Why do HTMA testing' page for more info.

3. HTMA results interpretation call ( 1 hour)

Online call with me to discuss your HTMA screening results, and what this means for you. 

The HTMA results will inform the wellness plan/herbal prescription.

(Depending on the results, in some circumstances, I may recommended additional tests (e.g. thyroid panel). This is optional and an additional cost.)

4. Naturopathic Wellness plan

A personalised naturopathic wellness plan will be created for you. This will provide lifestyle, dietary, environmental advice for you to follow weekly.

For some people this may include cleansing and detoxing type protocols for you to follow (don't worry, we'll discuss it to make sure it's right for you).

I also use Bach Flower Remedies to address emotional aspects of your situation. 

5. Herbal Medicine 

A personalised herbal medicine prescription will be created for you, and posted to you.

The first package will include 2 weeks of herbs to see how you respond. After this, the formula may be adjusted.   Herbs will be posted every 2-4 weeks for the duration of the 3 month programme.

Herbs may be provided as teas, tinctures, creams or a combination of all.

I use the highest quality grade herbs (organic if available), bought from reputable suppliers in the UK.  

6. Regular Support (Follow-Ups)

I will support you throughout the 3 month programme, to help you embed new habits, adjust lifestyle and adjust your herbal prescription as and when it is required.

Our first follow up will be a week after you start to take the herbs, the next follow up will be two weeks after this. The remaining two follow-ups will be monthly. 

I will also support you outside of these timeframes via email.

Cost: £580

*Option for payment to be paid in two instalments.

Want to proceed, or have a few questions?
Book a (free) introductory call with me.


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